As previously explained in my entry Part 1 from last month; it was good to leave the puppy woes behind us and to really enjoy all the benefits.
There is something special about getting out of bed and heading out the door for our morning walk. Helmutt is always keen and it’s now a well-established routine for us both. Get up and get out there because every day is a new adventure, I believe we both feel that way!
The eagerness as I pick up his waking harness is clearly visible, and he cannot wait to leave the house. Walks are good for some quiet introspection for me. The things we find along the way are really what make the walks a truly unique experience each time.
I let Helmutt meander about exploring the smells and sights of the neighbourhood. The path we take is usually similar depending on how much time we have available! One thing I found out early is that sometimes a walk on the leash isn’t enough activity, and he just wants to run. So I balance the morning walk with other activity of off leash where safe, which is helps to burn off excess energy.
No doubt all these shared experiences are how the bond develops between us. We communicate often by actions rather than words. Not easy to describe but I am sure any dog owner knows the feeling very well. I am biased towards this breed but I feel that they are very special dogs with human souls. They can be demanding but the rewards are wonderful.
What have I learned from life with my German Shorthaired Pointer? I try to experience the world from his perspective. Nothing is ordinary to my curious companion. He is so busy! No dog or person could be busier and nothing escapes his senses. Insects on the ceiling, to the second hand ticking on the kitchen clock, are all things that must be investigated thoroughly! He is my reason to wake up early and to get outdoors to experience the world around us. He is also the perfect reason to go home on time from work and not stay late. Put simply what makes Helmutt happy makes me happy! To see that tail wagging at the simplest of things is truly a precious gift. It has given me an appreciation for life itself.
M. Facklam
We give dogs’ time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.
German Shorthaired Pointers - Australia