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Isobel Blackthorn

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  • I love a good conspiracy

    I love a good conspiracy

    I’ve been dipping into the introduction to a slim book entitled Propaganda by Edward Bernays. It’s the story of a long slow con, the main text written by one of its key proponents, who cites the enormous benefits of propaganda to the politician and the corporation.

    The book has me wondering about the rise of shifting shape of propaganda over the last century. I’m no expert but here are a few thoughts.

    Many would agree that Thomas Kuhn, in The Structure of
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  • Interview With…. Isobel Blackthorn

    Interview With…. Isobel Blackthorn

    My very first online author interview!! Many thanks C.A.Milson

    Hi Readers and Booklovers! Today I am talking with Isobel Blackthorn. Isobel was born in London and moved to Aussie when she was 6. Isobel and her family spent around six years in and around Adelaide before they returned to London. Since then, she has travelled a fair bit between the UK and Aussie, and has had the opportunity to live in Spain and the Canary Islands.

    Welcome Isobel. Please tell...
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  • Writers for social justice

    Writers for social justice

    I missed out on modern history at school and confess that for decades I shied away from gaining much knowledge of the rise of fascism as it all seemed too ugly, too horrific, to delve into.

    Now I’m finding it hard to put down Anna Funder’s All That I Am, a novel based on real events in the period between WWI and II, when Hitler rose to power and those on the Left, the communists and socialists of all stripes, were purged. The captured were rounded up and put in
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  • War on Feminism – Women’s Refuges under attack

    War on Feminism – Women’s Refuges under attack

    It has come as no surprise that women’s refuges are under corporate attack. It was only a matter of time before the ideological warriors of the new corporate regime would put in their sights frontline services catering for women fleeing domestic violence. Currently in the UK we witness the broadscale closure of women’s refuges that have been providing women and their children an essential service for decades. It also came as no surprise to read in her piece, There Is No Such Thing
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  • Order in a New World

    Order in a New World

    If I ruled the country the first thing I would do is sack every CEO, deny them access to their wealth and property and make them work for the dole while applying for 40 jobs a week outside of the corporate and public service sectors. With no rental history they would be couch surfing (if they find themselves with any remaining friends). And for the first six months, with no welfare at all, they would be relying on charities for handouts.

    Then, when they are caught stealing
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  • I should have done something sooner - a short short story on bullying

    I should have done something sooner - a short short story on bullying

    Here's a true and very short story on bullying. I guess this might resonate with some.

    I should have done something sooner. That’s what my neighbour said. Best nipped in the bud. A good hard slap across the face will shut her up. Said she never had any trouble in the playground after that. But my best friend’s husband was right about me. I’m a coward. And cowards cower. They don’t punch or slap. I found that out about myself in my old school playground. Now I was a teacher
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  • Building bridges: asylum seekers in rural Australia

    Building bridges: asylum seekers in rural Australia

    Just a little bit pleased to have published in e-journal On Line Opinion Building bridges: asylum seekers in rural Australia, reflecting on a recent home hospitality respite holiday for asylum seekers on bridging visas that I organised under the auspices of the Home Among the Gum Trees program run by Elaine Smith in Dandenong (Melbourne). Here are hosts Jon and Lou , who got involved in this project because they wanted to find out for themselves about refugees and provided the following feedback. ...
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  • Heeding the Jihad Call

    Heeding the Jihad Call

    Hearing Obama outline his latest plan for the curtailment of ISIS it would be easy to believe that this group emerged spontaneously and entirely of its own accord out of the desert country of Syria and Iraq, filling a vacuum in the power shenanigans left when the US military pulled out of Iraq. That’s the propaganda. That is what the US and its allies would have us believe. And it isn’t true.

    An elite of concentrated power bent on expansionism, such as found in Empire
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  • Saying it with flowers

    Saying it with flowers

    The Pope now reckons WWIII is already being fought in piecemeal fashion. Well spotted. I agree. It was always going to be fought in the Middle East.

    Definition of a world war: A war involving many large nations.
    I watched Anzac Girls last night (I fell asleep at the point when Uncle Sam saved the day which when I woke as the credits rolled I thought rather ironic).

    Then I thought of where the battles of WWI were fought. I don’t like war and haven’t studied
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  • On Air

    On Air

    I’ll be on Ann Creber’s The Good Life this Monday (8th September) at 4.10 pm, talking about the home hospitality respite program for asylum seekers that I coordinate for the Bega Valley under the auspices of
    Home among the Gum Trees, Rural Australians for Refugees.

    Tune in to 3MDR, 97.1FM or go to their website for live streaming.
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  • Re: Should our troops be re engaged in Iraq?
    by Isobel Blackthorn
    Iraqi Civil War

    As Iraq breaks down into civil war our Prime Minister is making noises that we may have to take part in an 'allied' resolve to interfere again.

    What do you think?
    I think we should never have taken part first time round. Either the US and its allies are profoundly stupid in that they could not envisage the mayhem they would cause given the initial conditions, or profoundly clever, since last I heard of the $2 Trillion the US spent in Iraq, 90...
    21 August 2021, 09:58 PM
  • RESPECT at Pave Festival
    by Isobel Blackthorn

    When musical duo Savannah Rose invited me to speak at their RESPECT show I was honoured and baffled all at once. What would I talk about? With their smooth and dulcet harmonies, Suzanne Diprose and Bree Cleal sing dark and old-school country. Their awareness-raising show depicts how women are portrayed in song lyrics. They are joined by Moonshine Coalition, Heidi & Jules, and The Borrowed Boys. I needed to fit into all that and I dont have a country bone in my body. ...
    16 March 2017, 03:27 PM
  • Isobel Blackthorn speaking at Belgrave library – feat. Savannah Rose
    by Isobel Blackthorn
    What does an audience expect an author talk event will be like? Will there be a powerpoint presentation? A slide show of images of old drafts, with bits of text crossed out and heaps of writing in the margins? Will the author explain her writing process and provide insights into her creative journey?
    24 February 2017, 11:30 AM
  • The Cabin Sessions in Fear Front’s Spring line up!
    by Isobel Blackthorn
    When Fear Front offered to publish my first horror novel, The Cabin Sessions, a few days ago, something in my personal universe shifted, as though a cog turned and I was moving forward again.
    8 February 2017, 05:14 PM
  • A Perfect Square reviewed by Kate Braithwaite
    by Isobel Blackthorn
    I am delighted to share this warm, 5 star review of my novel, A Perfect Square, from Kate Braithwaite, author of Charlatan.

    A Perfect Square is a clever, thoughtful literary novel which also manages to have a cracking plot and complex characters.
    20 January 2017, 01:40 PM
  • Lovesick re-released!
    by Isobel Blackthorn
    My memoir, Lovesick, came out in 2011 to popular acclaim. I decided to re-release the book and give it a new lease of life after a friend and high school teacher told me he thought it should be much more widely read.
    7 January 2017, 12:46 PM