There are missionary teams of a group called Avatar, or Stars-Edge, Inc., wooing gullible locals into their pay your way to clarity cult. Licensed Avatar Masters are the 'preachers' of this Scientology break away.
The originator of the Avatar organisation, Harry Palmer, once led a US Church of Scientology along with his partner and paid regular tithes to L.Ron Hubbard as his group slowly shifted away from the core religion, eventually stopping all tithes to the Church of Scientology and then being sued by the Church. In the mean time he re branded and relaunched his own version which, unfortunately, has crept in Australia.
Just this week, within a 3 day period, a Victorian country based woman, who came to Melbourne for an inexpensive 'Self Improvement' course, was whipped off to Sydney at a cost of $1,500.00 and was about to be 'lent' money by the group to head off to the United states the next day to continue her courses.
Fortunately her husband caught wind of what was going on and was able to get her away from these people but this is a very dark turn of events when a religious cult is offering repayable loans to the poor souls they have spent just a couple of days brainwashing so they can remove them from Australia.
I hope this story is picked up as it seems that due the state of the United States economy Avatar are not able to squeeze enough cash out of their own nation's people and have come here in numbers to spread their absolute bullshit to the vulnerable. Below I have extracted a little quote from the Avatar Wiki page,
Galactic confederacy
At the first Wizards Course in 1991, Harry Palmer introduced the story about the history of consciousness in the Milky Way galaxy. The tale includes his version of Scientology's Galactic Confederacy: picturing Earth as one of the planets seeded with life, and suggesting that humanity risks destroying itself through a "blight bomb" that stops photosynthesis. The introduction and end-comments indicate that Palmer does not regard the story as symbolic, but as a representation of fact.[7]
Other references to Palmer's claimed extraterrestrial knowledge and experience occur rarely, but exist in other speeches and texts, such as an excerpt from "The Translurian Record"[8] and his claim to have read firsthand the equivalent of the "Prime Directive" of Star Trek.[9]
They've started up something called The Avatar Survivors League, they are seriously taking the piss out of weak minded people, be aware!