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The Stars Remember


  • The Stars Remember

    Now THAT'S Cool!

    I got a call from one of my dearest friends, Les Graham, lead guitarist from the iconic Aboriginal Rock/Reggae band No Fixed Address the other night.

    Les Graham's amazingly haunting guitar sound from No Fixed Address has underwritten the 'sound' of Indigenous rock guitarists ever since and Les was the leader of that band for all the years they were together. Les was the linch pin between the act and management and was always about the business of getting the real story of his people's plight onto the airwaves.

    The band, through their touring, was instrumental in opening up the concert hall, club and pub circuit for all the Indigenous acts that followed.

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    Les with Barnsey after a Sydney support gig during the '80's
    Les now lives in Mannum in South Australia and being a single dad bringing up 2 young boys is doing it hard, as we know there is no retirement fund for Oz music legends, and he asked me if I could contact someone as he would like to catch up with some old mates from the music industry of which he was such an integral part for so many years.

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    Les with Mark Williams

    It is a rare event for a bloke living in the bush there in South Australia to have a chance to catch up with old friends, and to have so many of them congregating down the road was something he really didn't want to miss the opportunity.

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    Les and Ross Wilson

    Unfortunately I'm just not that well connected but I suggested he jump on his Harley and head down there anyway for a look, odds are he would be immediately recognised and welcomed through the gate at the long sold out rock concert held at Mannum over the last weekend...and that is what happened!

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    Les and Ian Moss
    Les was immediately recognised by Mark Williams and ushered through the gate where he ended up reconnecting with a few more of his old you can see.
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