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    Discipline. That’s all you need. That’s what New Year resolutions are all about. They give you are starting point to do something or change something, and you just take it from there. Simple. I’d start on the magnum opus about that famous philosopher, Blanche Murphy. No excuses. Today would be Day One. I slept in, so headed off late to the pool, but got waylaid by a hot air balloon that tried to land in the middle of Acland Street. They were trying to manoeuvre it away from trams
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  • Let my tell you about my muse

    Let my tell you about my muse

    hat is a muse? One of nine goddesses presiding over the arts, daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne. Or a woman, or a force personified as a woman, the source of inspiration for the creative artist. Using this latter definition, I can say that my own daughter Liz functions as my muse, as she certainly inspires me. But I prefer to think that she has a direct line into me, or that my muse, Scarlet, has a direct line out to her. I named my muse Scarlet long ago, back when I had no idea who
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  • 2016 New Year Goal Coaching Planner

    2016 New Year Goal Coaching Planner

    New Years Resolutions usually get said when you’re drunk and forgotten when sober but New Year goals and strategies can make a significant difference to your year and that’s why I developed a coach approach activity planner that can help you make and achieve your goals just like I do in my private sessions. The 2016 New Year Goal Coaching Planner is a PDF document with coaching activities to set goals for the New Year. With 9 pages of information, tips and tools the 2016 New Year Go
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  • Listen To Older Voices: David Pepperell - Part 3

    Listen To Older Voices: David Pepperell - Part 3

    Welcome to Listen To Older Voices, a program produced Rob Greaves for Wesley Mission Victoria and podcast through the Toorak Times.

    Listen To Older Voices presents the stories, views and opinions of our older citizens. It is predominantly in a life & times format, with interviewees reflecting upon their lives from earliest memories. An underlying principal of the program is to promote the concept of positive ageing, reinforcing the principle that older people have & continue to make a valuable contribution to both their local & wider community.

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  • Listen To Older Voices: David Pepperell - Part 2

    Listen To Older Voices: David Pepperell - Part 2

    Welcome to Listen To Older Voices, a program produced Rob Greaves for Wesley Mission Victoria and podcast through the Toorak Times.

    Listen To Older Voices presents the stories, views and opinions of our older citizens. It is predominantly in a life & times format, with interviewees reflecting upon their lives from earliest memories. An underlying principal of the program is to promote the concept of positive ageing, reinforcing the principle that older people have & continue to make a valuable contribution to both their local & wider community.

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  • Seeing the best in yourself.

    Seeing the best in yourself.

    Seeing the best in yourself requires you to be authentic. Being a good leader begins with the relationship you have with yourself. Holding yourself accountable to an honourable character and making the conscious choice to do better. A leader looks for the good in people and shines light on them, building them up and good leadership begins with leading yourself. The only way to do that is to take a good within yourself and accept who you are, flaws and all. No one is perfect, we a
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  • Crowdfunding Eco-crime novel La Mareta

    Crowdfunding Eco-crime novel La Mareta

    It is true that when I meet someone I find a little curious for whatever reason, I study them, absorb them, listen to their stories with avid ears knowing full well a version of them will end up in one of my books. I feel like a vulture picking over others’ characteristics. Still, that makes me no different from any other author. I’m currently casting for La Mareta, so watch out!!

    I’m also crowdfunding to help bring La Mareta to fruition. Your pledge will help me fund the researc
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  • Listen To Older Voices: David Pepperell - Part 1

    Listen To Older Voices: David Pepperell - Part 1

    Welcome to Listen To Older Voices, a program produced Rob Greaves for Wesley Mission Victoria and podcast through the Toorak Times.

    Listen To Older Voices presents the stories, views and opinions of our older citizens. It is predominantly in a life & times format, with interviewees reflecting upon their lives from earliest memories. An underlying principal of the program is to promote the concept of positive ageing, reinforcing the principle that older people have & continue to make a valuable contribution to both their local & wider community.

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  • Playing the Trump card

    Playing the Trump card

    Who saw this coming? This pitting of Islam against the West and it’s quasi-Christian infused secularism. Who knew that after WWII the next major global conflict a la WWIII would be seated in the Middle East? What a fabulous find Donald Trump is for the American warmongers in this regard! They must be ecstatic. Fancy being able to roll him out to polarise debate and whip up hysteria and it’s counterpart, terror. Trump is a symptom of a terrible malaise sweeping the world. Hatred. And
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  • Listen To Older Voices: Sam See - Part 4

    Listen To Older Voices: Sam See - Part 4

    Welcome to Listen To Older Voices, a program produced Rob Greaves for Wesley Mission Victoria and podcast through the Toorak Times.
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  • Re: Should our troops be re engaged in Iraq?
    by Isobel Blackthorn
    Iraqi Civil War

    As Iraq breaks down into civil war our Prime Minister is making noises that we may have to take part in an 'allied' resolve to interfere again.

    What do you think?
    I think we should never have taken part first time round. Either the US and its allies are profoundly stupid in that they could not envisage the mayhem they would cause given the initial conditions, or profoundly clever, since last I heard of the $2 Trillion the US spent in Iraq, 90...
    21 August 2021, 09:58 PM
  • Listen To Older Voices: Max Borchardt - Part 2
    by Rob Greaves
    Welcome to Listen To Older Voices, a program produced by Rob Greaves for Wesley Mission Victoria and podcast through the Toorak Times.

    Listen To Older Voices presents the stories, views and opinions of our older citizens. It is predominantly in a life & times format, with interviewees reflecting upon their lives from earliest memories. An underlying principal of the program is to promote the concept of positive ageing, reinforcing the principle that older people have & continue to make a valuable contribution to both their local & wider community. ...
    26 March 2017, 07:16 AM
  • The passing of an era : The passing of Chuck Berry
    by Rob Greaves
    The man who did so much to help form what we know as Rock 'n' Roll is dead!

    St. CHARLES, MO (KTVI) – Reports coming in confirm that police have reported that legendary rock n’ roll musician Chuck Berry has died at the age of 90-years-old.
    19 March 2017, 09:45 AM
  • Listen To Older Voices: Max Borchardt - Part 1
    by Rob Greaves
    Welcome to Listen To Older Voices, a program produced by Rob Greaves for Wesley Mission Victoria and podcast through the Toorak Times.

    Listen To Older Voices presents the stories, views and opinions of our older citizens. It is predominantly in a life & times format, with interviewees reflecting upon their lives from earliest memories. An underlying principal of the program is to promote the concept of positive ageing, reinforcing the principle that older people have & continue to make a valuable contribution to both their local & wider community. ...
    19 March 2017, 07:48 AM
  • RESPECT at Pave Festival
    by Isobel Blackthorn

    When musical duo Savannah Rose invited me to speak at their RESPECT show I was honoured and baffled all at once. What would I talk about? With their smooth and dulcet harmonies, Suzanne Diprose and Bree Cleal sing dark and old-school country. Their awareness-raising show depicts how women are portrayed in song lyrics. They are joined by Moonshine Coalition, Heidi & Jules, and The Borrowed Boys. I needed to fit into all that and I dont have a country bone in my body. ...
    16 March 2017, 03:27 PM
  • World's Greatest Shave - for Cancer Research
    by Pation Pics
    Event @ The Union Hotel - 90 Chapel Street, Windsor
    Sunday 19th March, 2017
    1.30 till 5pm.

    James Pacholli performing in in banks "Eye Seaweed" image by pationpics;com

    It was 2008 when James was first diagnosed with Leukaemia and he was just finishing Year 5.

    His medical treatment involved a gruelling three years of chemo therapy under the care of Monash Medical Centre in Clayton as part of a research study. As a result of his treatment...
    12 March 2017, 08:48 PM