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  • World's Greatest Shave - for Cancer Research
    by Pation Pics
    Event @ The Union Hotel - 90 Chapel Street, Windsor
    Sunday 19th March, 2017
    1.30 till 5pm.

    James Pacholli performing in in banks "Eye Seaweed" image by pationpics;com

    It was 2008 when James was first diagnosed with Leukaemia and he was just finishing Year 5.

    His medical treatment involved a gruelling three years of chemo therapy under the care of Monash Medical Centre in Clayton as part of a research study. As a result of his treatment...
    12 March 2017, 08:48 PM
  • Spiderbait Mojo
    by Pation Pics

    Spiderbait is one of Australias rocknroll national treasures.

    Damien Whitty, Janet English and Kram or Mark Anthony Maher have played together since they were 12 years old.

    Decades of musical collaboration, creativity and god given talent reveal a powerfully loving and mutually supportive bond that is irresistible to their world wide fan base, devotees of a spiritual variety!

    ​ I experienced my maiden voyage on starship Spiderbait last night
    11 March 2017, 06:48 PM
  • Spiderbait Mojo
    by Pation Pics

    Spiderbait is one of Australia’s rock’n’roll national treasures.

    3 March 2017, 07:23 PM
  • Coming Clean – Leonard Ottone
    by Pation Pics

    In and out of juvenile detention as a youth, Leonard Ottone graduated to prison as a young man and eventually ended up in PentridgePrison (affectionately known by some as the college of knowledge).
    29 November 2016, 04:08 PM
  • Nebula Dimension
    by Pation Pics

    Watching you watching me

    Choir of colour

    Maple Spectre

    Poppies & Emily

    Hong Kong Turtle

    4 September 2016, 12:01 PM
  • Heroes & Laments by Olive Knight
    by Pation Pics
    I had the opportunity to be present for an interview between Olive Knight and 3CR’s Rhythm and Blues journalist Werner Martin for his Hot Damn Tamale show aired Saturday nights between 7 – 8pm.

    20 November 2015, 02:21 PM