To Ruminate or not to Ruminate, that is the question!
Hi, I’m Rob Greaves and I’m a Feature Writer, Administrator and ‘Editor-in Training’ at the Toorak Times, sometimes I publish under Rob and sometimes under ras-x.
This is the first posting in a new on-going, if not somewhat ad-hoc column, to be called “Ruminations From My Veranda”.
When I’m not writing, I might be working on my weekly 30-minute national radio program, Listen To Older Voices, that is funded through the Victorian Government and hosted Wesley Mission Victoria. Incidentally, it's published weekly on the Toorak Times.
If I’m not doing that job I might be working in my two day a week position as the Pre-Accredited, Leisure & Lifestyle Course Coordinator at the Upper Yarra Community College. Then, I also fit in time to play and compose music, as well as record other artists on occasions in my ‘micro-studio, and finally, I’m a poker fanatic (No Limit Texas Holdem).
Yet I also spend a lot of time on my veranda, which is located in Belgrave, in the Dandenong Ranges outside Melbourne. It’s multipurpose and I use it to work on my Macbook, to sit with friends and drink wine, to sit with my dogs, to read and, to ruminate.
My Veranda
The Oxford Dictionary defines ruminate as – ‘a verb’: “To think deeply about something”.
I find it a very relaxing place as it is quiet and the view of the hills around me is very peaceful and conducive to considering the woes and triumphs, the chaos and clarity of the world around me. And so it pleases me to take the opportunity to share those ruminations that I believe will strike a chord in readers, maybe upset some of you; maybe I will have some of you nodding in agreement.
One of the views from my Veranda
I don’t see “Ruminations From My Veranda” as being a series of tomes, or indeed even in-depth analysis of events, people, places and such like but rather, it should be some considered opinions that may or may not be in sympathy with the thoughts of readers of the Toorak Times. I will certainly try and make them interesting and challenging.
So my first ‘rumination’ has been to consider whether I wanted to go through with this column and if so, in what form it will take. There will certainly be no lack of ‘things’ to ruminate over!
I hope you will enjoy them, at least some of them!
No announcement yet.
Ruminations From The Veranda - #1
- Created by: Rob Greaves
- Published: 16 March 2013, 05:37 PM
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by Rob GreavesThere are non-so blind as those that loudly proclaim that they can see.
Hi, I'm Rob Greaves.
This is the forty-seventh posting in this on-going, if not somewhat ad-hoc column, called "Ruminations From My Verandah" and it's the first for 2017.
Channel: Ruminations
1 March 2017, 05:51 PM -
by Rob Greaves"Ruminate - to think deeply about something" (Oxford Dictionary)
Oh what a year it was . . . it really was such a year!
Hi, I'm Rob Greaves.
This is the forty-sixth posting in this on-going, if not somewhat ad-hoc column, called "Ruminations From My Verandah" and it's the last for 2016.
The sun is beaming down, the wine is a nice chilled 10 degrees C and I am feeling very mellow. For the umpteenth time this year the Kookaburra’s are singing loud and heartily. My pond is gurgling as the water runs down the rocks and the cicadas rise and fall in a never-ending opera of the bush.
Channel: Ruminations
28 December 2016, 04:30 PM -
by Rob GreavesFinding Freo - and the human spirit!
This is the very first Rumination that I have written in the years I have been publishing this ad-hoc column that doesn't have my picture at the top!
Channel: Ruminations
14 October 2016, 05:19 PM -
by Rob GreavesSpring Has Sprung - of boids, grass and coffee!
The spring is sprung, the grass is riz....
I wonder where the boidie is.
They say the boidie’s on the wing.
But that’s absoid. The wing is on the bird.
And so Ogden Nash introduced us to not just Spring, but an unforgettable piece of nonsense poetry! Here we are, it's Spring and in Melbourne we are celebrating the second consecutive fine day!
Channel: Ruminations
8 September 2016, 05:19 PM -
by Rob GreavesHere we go, yet again - Bring on the election, it might be critical but I'm over it already!
Channel: Ruminations
22 March 2016, 05:26 PM -
by Rob GreavesIs it my insanity or the worlds? - I am, you are, we are crazy!
I am having a moment where i am beginning to doubt either the sanity of most of the world, or my own.
Channel: Ruminations
24 November 2015, 04:39 PM -