Time To Catch Up With Myself - they say, time flies when you're having fun!!
Hi, I'm Rob Greaves.
This is the twenty seventh posting in this on-going, if not somewhat ad-hoc column called "Ruminations From My Verandah".
Wow, it's been something like six weeks since I actually sat on the verandah, with a bottle of wine and with "Big Heart Mac", my mac laptop, and, just had time to simply reflect. I mean that is why I started this ad hoc column over a year...
Ruminations From My Veranda #27: Time To Catch Up With Myself
- Created by: Rob Greaves
- Published: 14 April 2014, 06:25 PM
Ruminations From My Veranda #27: Time To Catch Up With Myself
Ruminations From My Veranda #26: Happy Happy, Joy Joy!
- Created by: Rob Greaves
- Published: 14 March 2014, 01:55 PM
Ruminations From My Veranda #26: Happy Happy, Joy Joy!
Happy Happy, Joy Joy - Oh, am I feeling good!
Hi, I'm Rob Greaves.
This is the twenty sixth posting in this on-going, if not somewhat ad-hoc column called "Ruminations From My Veranda". Autumn is most definitely the best season of the year in Melbourne, and, in Belgrave it is glorious. June (my long suffering partner of 37 years) and I are sitting on the verandah. The dogs (two German Shorthaired Pointers - Bodi & Lenni) are intwinned around our feet on... -
Ruminations From My Veranda #25: Surprise, surprise and, wow! Thank goodness for that!
- Created by: Rob Greaves
- Published: 2 March 2014, 09:49 PM
Ruminations From My Veranda #25: Surprise, surprise and, wow! Thank goodness for that!
Surprise, Surprise - and wow! thank goodness for that!
Hi, I'm Rob Greaves.
This is the twenty fifth posting in this on-going, if not somewhat ad-hoc column called "Ruminations From My Verandah". First things first! Second day of Autumn and I'm out on my verandah in the beautiful hills of Belgrave and it's all quiet except for the birds and the running water of the waterfall that I built that flows water into the pond in the garden. I don't know abo... -
Ruminations From My Veranda #24: Of Sunny Holidays on the Veranda
- Created by: Rob Greaves
- Published: 27 January 2014, 04:20 PM
Ruminations From My Veranda #24: Of Sunny Holidays on the Veranda
"Ruminate - to think deeply about something" (Oxford Dictionary)
OF SUNNY HOLIDAYS ON THE VERANDA - About bloody time as well . . .
Hi, I'm Rob Greaves.
This is the twenty fourth posting in this on-going, if not somewhat ad-hoc column called "Ruminations From My Verandah". I can't believe it! I'm actually still on holidays and its warm, its sunny and I am practically living on the veranda! However, the first thing you might have noticed ... -
Ruminations From My Veranda #23: Of Toilets
- Created by: Rob Greaves
- Published: 8 January 2014, 04:27 PM
Ruminations From My Veranda #23: Of Toilets
"Ruminate - to think deeply about something" (Oxford Dictionary)
A HAPPY NEW YEAR does it equate to a Happy New Toilet!
Hi, I'm Rob Greaves.
This is the twenty third posting in this on-going, if not somewhat ad-hoc column called "Ruminations From My Verandah".
So here we are in 2014 and I'm glad to have you all back for another year of sharing my verandah, my wine and, my Ruminations. I hope for you, 2014 has started out positively and... -
Ruminations From My Veranda #22: Of Christmas and other thoughts!
- Created by: Rob Greaves
- Published: 12 December 2013, 06:11 PM
Ruminations From My Veranda #22: Of Christmas and other thoughts!
"Ruminate - to think deeply about something" (Oxford Dictionary)
OF CHRISTMAS & OTHER THOUGHTS - Christmas, is it a time of cheer? If so, for everyone?
Hi, I'm Rob Greaves.
This is the twenty second posting in this on-going, if not somewhat ad-hoc column called "Ruminations From My Verandah". Well, at long last the weather has broken, and we don't need to fix it thank you very much, I like the blue sky and sun just the way it is! Well, there ... -
Ruminations From My Veranda #21
- Created by: Rob Greaves
- Published: 26 November 2013, 06:23 PM
Ruminations From My Veranda #21
"Ruminate - to think deeply about something" (Oxford Dictionary)
UTILITY COMPANIES - Some deserve bouquets others brick-bats - with the emphasis on BAT!
Hi, I'm Rob Greaves.
This is the twenty first posting in this on-going, if not somewhat ad-hoc column called "Ruminations From My Verandah".
Ok, ok! It seems like all I seem to do is moan about the bloody weather - and there sure has been plenty to moan about, but I have a moan, a groan... -
Ruminations From My Veranda #20: Random Acts of Kindness
- Created by: Rob Greaves
- Published: 12 November 2013, 04:33 PM
Ruminations From My Veranda #20: Random Acts of Kindness
"Ruminate - to think deeply about something" (Oxford Dictionary)
Hi, I'm Rob Greaves.
This is the twentieth posting in this on-going, if not somewhat ad-hoc column called "Ruminations From My Verandah".
Holy Hand Grenades of Antioch (with apologies to Monty Python). Here it is, the 12th of November and I'm sitting on my verandah with Vandella, the cafe heater on full bore. I could have said, still on!... -
Ruminations From The Veranda - #19: Am I Turning Into My Father?
- Created by: Rob Greaves
- Published: 4 November 2013, 07:28 PM
Ruminations From The Veranda - #19: Am I Turning Into My Father?
"Ruminate - to think deeply about something" (Oxford Dictionary)
REALLY - Am I Turning Into My Father?
Hi, I'm Rob Greaves.
This is the nineteenth posting in this on-going, if not somewhat ad-hoc column called "Ruminations From My Verandah".
... -
Ruminations From My Veranda #15
- Created by: Rob Greaves
- Published: 11 September 2013, 08:14 PM
Ruminations From My Veranda #15
"Ruminate - to think deeply about something" (Oxford Dictionary)
THE ELECTIONS AND DEMOCRACY- One one hand we should be shouting in glee, on the other, what are we actually being gleeful about?
Hi, I'm Rob Greaves.
This is the fifteenth posting in this on-going, if not somewhat ad-hoc column called "Ruminations From My Verandah". On one hand I'm so very, very pleased the elections are over. I get sick to the back teeth of politicians smiling cheesy smiles, ...
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by Rob GreavesThere are non-so blind as those that loudly proclaim that they can see.
Hi, I'm Rob Greaves.
This is the forty-seventh posting in this on-going, if not somewhat ad-hoc column, called "Ruminations From My Verandah" and it's the first for 2017.
Channel: Ruminations
1 March 2017, 05:51 PM -
by Rob Greaves"Ruminate - to think deeply about something" (Oxford Dictionary)
Oh what a year it was . . . it really was such a year!
Hi, I'm Rob Greaves.
This is the forty-sixth posting in this on-going, if not somewhat ad-hoc column, called "Ruminations From My Verandah" and it's the last for 2016.
The sun is beaming down, the wine is a nice chilled 10 degrees C and I am feeling very mellow. For the umpteenth time this year the Kookaburra’s are singing loud and heartily. My pond is gurgling as the water runs down the rocks and the cicadas rise and fall in a never-ending opera of the bush.
Channel: Ruminations
28 December 2016, 04:30 PM -
by Rob GreavesFinding Freo - and the human spirit!
This is the very first Rumination that I have written in the years I have been publishing this ad-hoc column that doesn't have my picture at the top!
Channel: Ruminations
14 October 2016, 05:19 PM -
by Rob GreavesSpring Has Sprung - of boids, grass and coffee!
The spring is sprung, the grass is riz....
I wonder where the boidie is.
They say the boidie’s on the wing.
But that’s absoid. The wing is on the bird.
And so Ogden Nash introduced us to not just Spring, but an unforgettable piece of nonsense poetry! Here we are, it's Spring and in Melbourne we are celebrating the second consecutive fine day!
Channel: Ruminations
8 September 2016, 05:19 PM -
by Rob GreavesHere we go, yet again - Bring on the election, it might be critical but I'm over it already!
Channel: Ruminations
22 March 2016, 05:26 PM -
by Rob GreavesIs it my insanity or the worlds? - I am, you are, we are crazy!
I am having a moment where i am beginning to doubt either the sanity of most of the world, or my own.
Channel: Ruminations
24 November 2015, 04:39 PM -