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5 Things on What To Do After Being Falsely Accused of Domestic Violence


  • 5 Things on What To Do After Being Falsely Accused of Domestic Violence

    Allegations on domestic violence are serious matters. Such an accusation is an immediate disqualifier for apartment applications and job opportunities. It carries severe costs like arrest, custody denial, or a restraining order. Mostly, people make false domestic accusations to gain custody or revenge on their partner. Unfortunately, since domestic violence incidents happen behind closed doors, it is difficult for one to prove. This makes genuine victims of false accusations seek relief.
    Even if you know you did nothing wrong, you could face criminal charges, investigation, or hostility from family members and friends. You may want to speak to your partner to solve the issue and convince them to drop the charges. Unfortunately, it may not end up well for you. If falsely accused of domestic violence, it is crucial to take the right steps when seeking relief. Here are vital steps to take after false allegations of domestic violence.
    • Call Your Lawyer
    A false domestic violence accusation can take a toll on your life. It is emotionally draining and leads to ruining your reputation. This is besides the legal consequences you face. There are trusted lawyers in the family and criminal law niche who will help you navigate the situation. Such lawyers help you understand your options by giving you information and providing a defense plan. The lawyers understand the law and how the system works. You have a good chance of restating your rights with the backup of a skilled professional.
    • Avoid Contact with the Accuser
    You might be tempted to reach out to your partner in an attempt to solve the issue or ask them to drop the case. However, such an attempt can lead to more problems. Avoid contacting the person you believe accused you. That includes sending a third party or sending them messages. If you live under one roof, consider moving out. It will reduce the tension between both of you and prevent additional problems.
    • Preserve Evidence
    You will need strong evidence to prove your innocence. For example, you can get text messages or social media posts to disprove the accusations made against you. Other relevant evidence details include eyewitness statements, alibis, surveillance or doorbell footage, cellphone location details, or statements from people familiar with your relationship. Any evidence, no matter how minor it seems, is crucial to proving your innocence. Sometimes a false allegation of domestic violence is a tactic a partner may use to secure property or custody after divorce. The lawyer must emphasize the motive for the false accusations.
    • Recruit Witnesses
    The judge is more likely to believe you if you have people supporting your narrative. Therefore, talk to family members, friends, or colleagues familiar with your relationship. It will help the court understand the motive of the false accusations against you.
    • Do Not Post on Social Media
    Do not attempt to post details about the incident or accusations on social media. If possible, avoid posting anything on public social media platforms until the case concludes. Law enforcement will review your social media accounts to find anything they can use against you. If you have anything to say, leave the job to the attorney. It is also crucial to ensure the accuser does not have access to any shared social media account they could use against you.

    Thinking It Through

    A domestic violence conviction means permanent criminal record. It also results in damaged reputation or deprivation of some rights. If falsely accused of domestic violence, call a lawyer. They will help protect your rights and win the case against you.
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