A better offer
for young Australians
1st National Foyer Conference
A conference for anyone interested in encouraging
and developing the talents of young Australians who
have experienced disadvantage
Featuring: The Hon. Brendan O’Connor, Minister for Housing
& Homelessness; The Hon. Wendy Lovell, Victorian Minister
for Housing; David Chesterton, The Foyer Federation UK and
former CEO of East Potential; Jan Owen AM, CEO, Foundation
for Young Australians; Tony Nicholson, Chair, Prime Ministerial
Council on Homelessness; Robert Fitzgerald AM, Commissioner,
Productivity Commission; Ian Carter AM, CEO, Anligcare WA and
With the support of the Australian Government
Since Southern Youth and Family Services in Illawarra and Miller in Sydney opened
the first foyers in Australia in 2001, foyers have started to open in most Australian
states and territories. Foyers provide up to two years accommodation and support
for young people into education and employment.
Foyers provide a new way of working with young people to build and encourage their
talents. Foyers are not just about education, accommodation and support; they are
also about fundamentally changing the way we work with and view young people.
workshops include// re engaging disengaged
learners - the built form - practice models - Corporate Australia
and foyers - young indigenous Australians and foyers - foyers
and young offenders - mentoring: the big value add
event details//9am 5 October 2012
The Jasper Hotel, 489 Elizabeth St.,
Melbourne VIC 3000
who should attend// People from TAFE and
education - People working in philanthropy- Sporting and
service clubs - corporate Australia - Social entrepreneurs -
People in media and communications - People working in
homelessness support - People working in community housing
- People engaged in youth health, including mental health and
drug and alcohol services - People working in the youth sector,
including residential care and youth justiceRegister
Yes! Please reserve __ number of places for the Foyer Conference
on 5 October for $150 per person.
Email address:
Telephone number:
Payment Methods
1) Cheque/money order payable to: Foyer Foundation Limited
Send to Foyer Foundation Australia, PO BOX 1016, South Melbourne, 3205 VIC
- OR-
2) Bank transfer your payment to: Foyer Foundation Limited
Macquarie Bank Limited
BSB 182-222
Account 1236- 95629
*please quote your name and/or organisation on the remittance details
please email clane@hanover.org.au or call 03 9695 8365
5 October// The Jasper Hotel// Melbourne
A better offer
for young Australians