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"Climbing Kilimanjaro for Lifeline was breathtaking" - Jason shares his story


  • "Climbing Kilimanjaro for Lifeline was breathtaking" - Jason shares his story

    In December 2014, Jason was given the opportunity to climb Kilimanjaro. This wasn’t just a physical challenge for Jason, as a passionate advocate for suicide prevention this was also a chance to raise money for Lifeline...

    Climbing Mt Kilimanjaro for Lifeline was a way for me to personally get involved with suicide prevention.
    The mountain was my challenge to overcome. Testing my body’s limits, pushing through to achieve the unthinkable and, as a result, my experience was breathtaking. Witnessing the sun peering over the horizon at the summit, the world stopped in that moment and the accomplishment overwhelmed me.
    My advice – just DO IT!! I would recommend to anyone, who is looking to really grasp a greater appreciation of life, climb Kilimanjaro. It will test your limits – ultimately changing the way you view the world, literally and emotionally.”
    Just like Jason, you can also climb Kilimanjaro with us in 2015.
    Join the adventure! We set off on 23 October to 3 November 2015, so there is plenty of time for planning and preparation. To secure your spot call Inspired Adventures on 1300 905 188 or click here for an information pack.
    Sign up today and start your adventure. Don’t miss out – limited spots!

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