Review #90
Mugsy is our O/S Film Reviewer and brings his own unique style of reviewing to the Toorak Times on a weekly basis every Sunday.

Gacy (2003)
Mark Holton, Allison Lange

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"The Cannibal Clown! A true story.

Reality TV!! USA!! Good scary and reliable film about the evil cannibal clown John Wayne Gacy who behaved like a normal square Joe—‘un Josef Ordinaire’ and a ‘pillar of the community’. And once again a mass murder death killer was abused as a child!! Don’t abuse your children!!!... They grow into big humans and live longer than you.


Remember 5/10 is good enough.
10/10 I can leave in the DVD player for a month and keep on watching it.
4/10 I go get a coffee and start looking for a new film.

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