Review #91
Mugsy is our O/S Film Reviewer and brings his own unique style of reviewing to the Toorak Times on a weekly basis every Sunday.
HOW TO LOSE A GUY IN TEN DAYS (2003) Starring:Kate Hudson, Matthew McConaughy, Katherine Hahn
"Kate is spectacular and effervescent and a lot like her spectacularly effervescent mother –Laugh-In’s Ms Goldie Hawn.
Matthew doesn’t want to ‘be tied down’ but I’ll trade with him any day. Seven days in leurve and they are seeing a ‘couples counselor’ haha!! This is a cheesy feel good girlfriend boyfriend movie and I rarely like cheesy feel good movies but Kate The Great makes this one tolerable. She lights up your room!"
Remember 5/10 is good enough.
10/10 I can leave in the DVD player for a month and keep on watching it.
4/10 I go get a coffee and start looking for a new film.