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Toorak Times


Headlines of the Toorak Times. Stories, reviews and interviews by a host of contributors both professional and community journalists, photographers, videographers and multi media presenters.

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  • How an Android App Development company can Boost Your Revenue?

    How an Android App Development company can Boost Your Revenue?

    Mobile apps have become everyone’s part of life. Due to this, companies develop their own app to provide their products and services. It has become necessary for the growth of the business. If you own a business, you require an app to take your business to the next level. You can hire an
    Android development Sydney company.

    Today you can find an app for every purpose, whether it is booking a cab, shopping, transferring money, watching videos, etc. It is very easy to use,
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  • 3 Investments That Might Help You in Your Old Age

    3 Investments That Might Help You in Your Old Age

    One of the most constant concerns that adults have is maintaining financial stability. Whether it’s for their households, or themselves, having enough money is a regular source of stress for many people. Fortunately, there are ways to build your finances over time. One group which has to deal with such concerns is elderly citizens.

    As an elderly citizen, having money is extremely important. As you age, you need a nest egg to survive. Today we’ll focus...
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  • Re: Should our troops be re engaged in Iraq?

    Re: Should our troops be re engaged in Iraq?

    Iraqi Civil War

    As Iraq breaks down into civil war our Prime Minister is making noises that we may have to take part in an 'allied' resolve to interfere again.

    What do you think?
    I think we should never have taken part first time round. Either the US and its allies are profoundly stupid in that they could not envisage the mayhem they would cause given the initial conditions, or profoundly clever, since last I heard of the $2 Trillion the US spent in Iraq, 90...
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    Last edited by Mick Pacholli; 5 October 2021, 09:56 PM.

  • Do You know that the kitchen is the Biggest Hidden Source of Contamination?

    Do You know that the kitchen is the Biggest Hidden Source of Contamination?

    The kitchen is the heart of a house where you feel safe to sit and eat. But to your surprise, today, we will tell you that the kitchen is the biggest source of bacterial contamination. Amid a global pandemic taking care of kitchen hygiene to prevent any contamination from the food brought from outside is also imperative. Research has shown that the moist and humid temperature of the kitchen is favourable for microorganisms to grow and reproduce. Therefore, taking preventive...
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    Last edited by Mick Pacholli; 6 October 2021, 12:54 AM.

  • Cassandra by Kathryn Gossow

    Cassandra by Kathryn Gossow

    Kathryn Gossow is a masterful storyteller who displays great insight and sensitivity in her handling of difficult themes. The result, her debut novel Cassandra, is an extraordinary and engaging coming of age tale.

    On a remote farm in Queensland, Cassie Shultz feels useless. Her perfect brother Alex has an uncanny ability to predict the weather, and the fortunes of the entire family hinge upon his forecasts. However, her own gift for prophecy remains frustratingly...
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    Last edited by Mick Pacholli; 6 October 2021, 01:15 AM.

  • Listen To Older Voices: Max Borchardt - Part 1

    Listen To Older Voices: Max Borchardt - Part 1

    Welcome to Listen To Older Voices, a program produced by Rob Greaves for Wesley Mission Victoria and podcast through the Toorak Times.

    Listen To Older Voices presents the stories, views and opinions of our older citizens. It is predominantly in a life & times format, with interviewees reflecting upon their lives from earliest memories. An underlying principal of the program is to promote the concept of positive ageing, reinforcing the principle that older people have & continue to make a valuable contribution to both their local & wider community. ...
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    Last edited by Mick Pacholli; 7 May 2023, 03:37 PM.

  • The passing of an era : The passing of Chuck Berry

    The passing of an era : The passing of Chuck Berry

    The man who did so much to help form what we know as Rock 'n' Roll is dead!

    St. CHARLES, MO (KTVI) – Reports coming in confirm that police have reported that legendary rock n’ roll musician Chuck Berry has died at the age of 90-years-old.
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  • RESPECT at Pave Festival

    RESPECT at Pave Festival

    When musical duo Savannah Rose invited me to speak at their RESPECT show I was honoured and baffled all at once. What would I talk about? With their smooth and dulcet harmonies, Suzanne Diprose and Bree Cleal sing dark and old-school country. Their awareness-raising show depicts how women are portrayed in song lyrics. They are joined by Moonshine Coalition, Heidi & Jules, and The Borrowed Boys. I needed to fit into all that and I dont have a country bone in my body. ...
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    Last edited by Mick Pacholli; 6 October 2021, 01:01 AM.

  • Listen To Older Voices: Phil Manning - Part 3

    Listen To Older Voices: Phil Manning - Part 3

    Welcome to Listen To Older Voices, a program produced by Rob Greaves for Wesley Mission Victoria and podcast through the Toorak Times.

    Listen To Older Voices presents the stories, views and opinions of our older citizens. It is predominantly in a life & times format, with interviewees reflecting upon their lives from earliest memories. An underlying principal of the program is to promote the concept of positive ageing, reinforcing the principle that older people have & continue to make a valuable contribution to both their local & wider community.

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  • World's Greatest Shave - for Cancer Research

    World's Greatest Shave - for Cancer Research

    Event @ The Union Hotel - 90 Chapel Street, Windsor
    Sunday 19th March, 2017
    1.30 till 5pm.

    James Pacholli performing in in banks "Eye Seaweed" image by pationpics;com

    It was 2008 when James was first diagnosed with Leukaemia and he was just finishing Year 5.

    His medical treatment involved a gruelling three years of chemo therapy under the care of Monash Medical Centre in Clayton as part of a research study. As a result of his treatment...
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  • Spiderbait Mojo

    Spiderbait Mojo

    Spiderbait is one of Australias rocknroll national treasures.

    Damien Whitty, Janet English and Kram or Mark Anthony Maher have played together since they were 12 years old.

    Decades of musical collaboration, creativity and god given talent reveal a powerfully loving and mutually supportive bond that is irresistible to their world wide fan base, devotees of a spiritual variety!

    ​ I experienced my maiden voyage on starship Spiderbait last night
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    Last edited by Mick Pacholli; 6 October 2021, 01:22 AM.
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  • Far Middle on the Horizon
    by Mick Pacholli
    Watch Four Corners tonight!

    The sound bites they delivered sounded like a mighty blow to...
    1 week ago
  • Community Guidelines
    by Mick Pacholli
    There were forums before FaceBook and others of the plethora of Social Media platforms.

    1 week ago
  • Tips for Choosing the Best Natural Oils for Your Hair Online
    by Mick Pacholli

    Online shopping has become exciting and overwhelming due to the growing popularity of natural oils for hair care. Natural oils have many uses, from hydrating parched hair to controlling frizz. But choosing the best oil for your needs and hair type takes serious thought. These helpful hints will assist you in selecting the top natural oils for your hair online.

    Understand Your Hair Type and Needs
    Your choice of oil is based on your hair type and its unique requirements.
    20 December 2024, 01:15 AM
  • Factors to Consider When Choosing a Mover
    by Mick Pacholli

    Moving can be a stressful and time-consuming experience. One of the most important decisions you'll make during the moving process is choosing the right moving company. A reliable mover can make the process smoother and less overwhelming, while the wrong one can cause unnecessary complications. To ensure a successful move, here are the key factors to consider when selecting a mover.

    1. Reputation and Reviews

    The reputation of a moving company is one of the first
    18 December 2024, 11:51 AM
  • How to Find the Perfect Nail Supply Store in Your Area
    by Mick Pacholli

    Locating the ideal nail supply store in your area can influence maintaining a profitable nail care regimen or business. The proper retailer guarantees access to necessary materials, tools, and advice, regardless of whether you are a professional nail technician or a hobbyist looking to stock up on high-quality supplies. This thorough guide will assist you in finding and selecting the top nail supply business in your area.

    1. Assess Your Needs
    Start by becoming aware of
    18 December 2024, 11:42 AM
  • 5 Things on What To Do After Being Falsely Accused of Domestic Violence
    by Mick Pacholli
    Allegations on domestic violence are serious matters. Such an accusation is an immediate disqualifier for apartment applications and job opportunities. It carries severe costs like arrest, custody denial, or a restraining order. Mostly, people make false domestic accusations to gain custody or revenge on their partner. Unfortunately, since domestic violence incidents happen behind closed doors, it is difficult for one to prove. This makes genuine victims of false accusations seek relief. Even if yo...
    12 December 2024, 09:32 PM