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Headlines of the Toorak Times. Stories, reviews and interviews by a host of contributors both professional and community journalists, photographers, videographers and multi media presenters.

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  • Remote Aboriginal Communities - Alternative Power and Water Supply

    Remote Aboriginal Communities - Alternative Power and Water Supply

    Will the above hand prints be the only remaining evidence that traditional Aboriginal society once existed or will the mining company bulldoze these sites as well?

    Please share, as we need as much support as we can get, for the remote Aboriginal communities, to help them to continue to remain on their land. If they are removed the first thing that will happen is that their sacred sites will be bulldozed, the fo
    llow on will the disintergration of our ancient Aboriginal...
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  • Cream of The Crate: Album # 142 - Leadbelly: The Library Of Congress Recordings

    "Leadbelly left his mark on his era; his steel voice, his steel on the twelve strings and his high voltage personality captured audiences everywhere.(Alan Lomax)
    "He bequeathed to us also, it is true, a couple of hundred of the best songs any of us will ever know." (Pete Seeger)
    "The blues is like this. You lay down some night and you turn from one side of the bed to the other all night long. It's not too cold in that bed, and it ain't too hot. But what's the matter? The blues has...
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  • Sunday Essay: Silver-tongued Turnbull fails to woo the arts vote

    Sunday Essay: Silver-tongued Turnbull fails to woo the arts vote

    In May 2015, the Australian arts community was shocked, perplexed and bemused when the then Arts Minister and Attorney-General, George Brandis, raided the government’s allocation to its own professional funding body, the Australia Council, and withdrew A$104.7 million to create his own private slush fund, the National Program for Excellence in the Arts.

    The raid had all the drama and high farce that accompanied another attorney-general’s raid on his own department, back in 1973....
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  • The recent fatal accident involving a Tesla car while self-driving using the car’s Autopilot feature has raised questions about whether this technolog

    The recent fatal accident involving a Tesla car while self-driving using the car’s Autopilot feature has raised questions about whether this technology is ready for consumer use.
    But more importantly, it highlights the need to reconsider the relationship between human behaviour and technology. Self-driving cars change the way we drive, and we need scrutinise the impact of this on safety.

    Tesla’s Autopilot does not make the car truly autonomous and self-driving. Rather, it automates...
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  • All hail the bookshop: survivor against the odds

    All hail the bookshop: survivor against the odds

    This National Bookshop Day, Australia’s one-time Minister for Small Business, Nick Sherry, will be remembered for his words, not his deeds.

    A reader, bookbuyer and enthusiastic patron of terrestrial bookshops, in June 2011 Sherry told a conference on online business that,
    In five years, other than a few speciality bookshops in capital cities, you will not see a bookstore. They will cease to exist.
    Booksellers were livid, and I don’t just mean standing behind their count...
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  • Music Whispers - What Aussie artists has 32 albums released and is about to release #33?

    The answer is Col Millington! Col has been recording since the 1970's and is well known and appreciated in the Australian Music scene. The Toorak Times has been slipped a promotional copy of Col Millingtons forthcoming CD titled - "Hey Babe". A release date has not been set yet, but we believe it will be very shortly. Col has been associated with the music scene since the 1960's and started writing in the 1970's. Col joined his first group “Natures Own” in 1968, then was a member of “Midnig...
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    THEATRE REVIEW of GLAMM Productions THE WISDOM OF EVE Theatre Works Directed by Meredith Fuller

    How do solve a problem like Maria..... fck wrong movie damn How do u solve a problem like my Eva, ah yes that feels better already. Not a musical not an opera but of operatic proportions this juggernaut of dialogue and intrigue is none-the-less a fascinating amalgam of script to film n back again... phew!! Arriving at the all now all too familiar "...
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    THEATRE REVIEW of GLAMM Productions THE WISDOM OF EVE Theatre Works Directed by Meredith Fuller

    How do solve a problem like Maria..... fck wrong movie damn How do u solve a problem like my Eva, ah yes that feels better already. Not a musical not an opera but of operatic proportions this juggernaut of dialogue and intrigue is none-the-less a fascinating amalgam of script to film n back again... phew!! Arriving at the all now all too familiar "...
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  • Alice in Wonderland at 150: Why fantasy stories about girls transcend time

    Alice in Wonderland at 150: Why fantasy stories about girls transcend time

    It’s 150 years since an Oxford mathematics don published the most important work of children’s literature and one of the most influential books of all time.

    The origins of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland in a story that Charles Dodgson told 10-year-old Alice Liddell and her two sisters while rowing along the Thames in 1862 are well known. What is less understood is why it has become such an enduring cultural touchstone across the globe.

    Many popular stories can be distilled...
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  • Making waves: the tsunami risk in Australia

    Making waves: the tsunami risk in Australia

    Australians are well versed in the homegrown natural hazards that we encounter every year, from bushfires in summer to storms in winter, cyclones up north and flooding along our rivers.

    But we don’t often stop to consider the threat posed by tsunamis. Should we?

    Tsunamis are essentially a series of waves in the ocean. Where regular waves are caused by wind, tsunamis are caused by the large-scale vertical displacement of the water column.

    Events that can
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  • Grattan on Friday: Twenty years on, the Perils of Pauline haunt another Liberal leader

    The election for the Senate hasn’t ended well. To have four senators from One Nation in the upper house is worse than unfortunate.

    If Malcolm Turnbull had not called a double dissolution, but settled for a normal half Senate election, Pauline Hanson would probably have been elected but not with three other One Nation candidates.

    The potential sway of Nick Xenophon’s Team (NXT) received much attention before the election but it has secured one less Senate place than Hanson’s...
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  • Far Middle on the Horizon
    by Mick Pacholli
    Watch Four Corners tonight!

    The sound bites they delivered sounded like a mighty blow to...
    2 weeks ago
  • Community Guidelines
    by Mick Pacholli
    There were forums before FaceBook and others of the plethora of Social Media platforms.

    2 weeks ago
  • Tips for Choosing the Best Natural Oils for Your Hair Online
    by Mick Pacholli

    Online shopping has become exciting and overwhelming due to the growing popularity of natural oils for hair care. Natural oils have many uses, from hydrating parched hair to controlling frizz. But choosing the best oil for your needs and hair type takes serious thought. These helpful hints will assist you in selecting the top natural oils for your hair online.

    Understand Your Hair Type and Needs
    Your choice of oil is based on your hair type and its unique requirements.
    20 December 2024, 01:15 AM
  • Factors to Consider When Choosing a Mover
    by Mick Pacholli

    Moving can be a stressful and time-consuming experience. One of the most important decisions you'll make during the moving process is choosing the right moving company. A reliable mover can make the process smoother and less overwhelming, while the wrong one can cause unnecessary complications. To ensure a successful move, here are the key factors to consider when selecting a mover.

    1. Reputation and Reviews

    The reputation of a moving company is one of the first
    18 December 2024, 11:51 AM
  • How to Find the Perfect Nail Supply Store in Your Area
    by Mick Pacholli

    Locating the ideal nail supply store in your area can influence maintaining a profitable nail care regimen or business. The proper retailer guarantees access to necessary materials, tools, and advice, regardless of whether you are a professional nail technician or a hobbyist looking to stock up on high-quality supplies. This thorough guide will assist you in finding and selecting the top nail supply business in your area.

    1. Assess Your Needs
    Start by becoming aware of
    18 December 2024, 11:42 AM
  • 5 Things on What To Do After Being Falsely Accused of Domestic Violence
    by Mick Pacholli
    Allegations on domestic violence are serious matters. Such an accusation is an immediate disqualifier for apartment applications and job opportunities. It carries severe costs like arrest, custody denial, or a restraining order. Mostly, people make false domestic accusations to gain custody or revenge on their partner. Unfortunately, since domestic violence incidents happen behind closed doors, it is difficult for one to prove. This makes genuine victims of false accusations seek relief. Even if yo...
    12 December 2024, 09:32 PM